
tops camp  

今年的十一月三十日,是美國體操協會的天才機會計畫,在德州的杭特斯維爾正式開始. 到今年為止,該計畫已經持續了二十一年.今年的十一月二十八日到十二月二日, 有六十三位選手,參加了為期三天,在德州女子國家代表隊的訓練營.

這個訓練營的總教練是維拉力.陸意金. 他是兩個奧運金牌的得主,也是上屆奧運全能金牌選手娜莎塔.陸意金的爸爸和教練.

這項天才機會計畫,主要是找尋有全美七到十歲,有體操天份的女孩,培育選手和指導她們的教練如何進行日常的訓練. 每年的六,七月間,全美各州, 將近有兩千名七到十歲的小選手,參加體能和技術的測試. 其中的280名精英,被邀請到全國體操測試. 最後,從這280名精英中,選出50名選手,進入”天才訓練全國代表隊”,美國體操協會並邀請這50名選手,(提供免費食宿與機票)來參加這個訓練營.

HUNTSVILLE, Texas, Nov. 30 -- USA Gymnastics' Talent Opportunity Program (TOPs) is in its 21st season and still going strong. Sixty three athletes are participating in the three-day National TOPs Team Camp at the Women's National Team Training Center, at the Karolyi Ranch in Huntsville, Texas, Nov. 28-Dec. 2.
The TOPs camps are directed by Valeri Liukin, who has two Olympic gold medals and coached his daughter Nastia to the Olympic all-around title.
TOPs is a talent search and educational program for female gymnasts ages 7-10 and their coaches. During the months of June and July, 2,000 gymnasts ages 7-10 were evaluated on physical abilities at the state level. From there, the best 280 8-10 year old athletes were invited to participate in the National TOPs Testing in October, where they were evaluated on the same physical abilities tests and basic gymnastics skills. From National TOPs Testing, 50 athletes were named to the TOPs National Team and invited to participate in the National TOPs Training Camp.


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